Our Capabilities

Chatbot development use cases

eCommerce chatbot Icon
eCommerce chatbot

Assist more customers, share order details, solve queries details and increase conversions.

Ticketing chatbot Icon
Ticketing chatbot

Allow customers to search, gather information and book tickets.

News chatbot Icon
News chatbot

Send personalized breaking news, alerts, updates via chat messages.

Food ordering chatbot Icon
Food ordering chatbot

Allow diners to reserve tables, browse restaurant menus, and order food online conveniently.

Hotel booking chatbot Icon
Hotel booking chatbot

Allow customers to search, browse and make hotel bookings and reservations.

Customer support chatbot Icon
Customer support chatbot

Replace customer care executives to answer FAQs and provide simple and timely information.

Finance Chatbot icon
Finance Chatbot

Provide updates about financial transactions, live stocks, etc. based on the client’s preference.

Legal Assist Chatbot Icon
Legal Assist Chatbot

Offer legal assistance, price quotes and other legal advice to people.

Healthcare Chatbot
Healthcare Chatbot

Improve the efficiency of booking appointments and enable doctor-patient communication.

Check out some of our Chatbot
Development solutions
for businesses

Wedding portal that shows vendors according to user preferencesProduct Image Top
Wedding portal that shows vendors according to user preferences
View Case Study

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